Hair loss can be caused by many things, and in fact, there are a lot more solutions to it that we once thought. From getting a hair transplant in Turkey to wearing a realistic, lace front wig, the possibilities are endless. However, there has been more studies into the impact our diet has on hair loss and whether or not your diet plays a key role in it. So, keep reading and find out how good foods can be related to hair loss…
We all know protein is essential for our health, but did you know that not getting enough of it can be detrimental to the health of your hair. Too little protein can easily cause your hair to become dry and brittle as your body isn’t able to give the hair the sustenance it needs to grow and survive, so eventually it will thin and fall out. Getting enough protein is actually a lot easier than you think. Food like beef and chicken are very high in protein, but so are things like eggs, tofu, and lentils. You don’t need to limit yourself to one type of protein either, as having a mix of different ones will help keep your diet rich in all other nutrients as well. Try making sure you have a good source of protein with every meal, and you’ll find it a lot easier to maintain a healthy level of it within your body.
Healthy Fatty Foods
You might think that fat is bad for you, but there are actually foods that are great for your health that are high in healthy fats. These are also called unsaturated fats, and they help keep your hair hydrated which could prevent hair loss over time. Your hair needs a lot more than just protein to be healthy, so it’s vital that you eat a well-balanced diet. One study showed that men who ate healthy fats on a regular basis had a lower chance of developing hair loss as their body had a decreased production of DHT. This is the hormone that causes hair loss when there’s too much of it, so you can see how important eating healthy fats are. You can find unsaturated fats in foods like avocado, fatty fish such as salmon, and certain nuts and grains. You want to eat these alongside your proteins to help give your hair the best chance of healthiness that you can.
Foods Rich In Biotin
Biotin, also called vitamin B7, has may benefits to your health, but preventing hair loss is a major one. Biotin helps your body convert what you eat into the energy you need to be survive, so you can see why it’s an essential part of your diet. It also helps your body to keep up the production of hair, so without it, you’ll soon start to notice that it thins out a lot. Biotin can be found in a lot of foods such as eggs, salmon, sweet potatoes, and almonds, so it’s extremely easy to get it into your daily diet. It’s recommended for adults to have between 30-100 micrograms of biotin a day and eating just one egg gives you 33% of that. Biotin deficiencies are said to be quite rare, but it is possible to not be eating enough of it if your diet isn’t that great. If you’re concerned about your biotin levels, the best thing to do is speak to your doctor who will be able to do some blood work on you and find out exactly what you’re lacking in.
Foods With High Iron Qualities
Low iron is extremely common, especially in women who menstruate. This loss of blood can easily lead to low iron and possibly anaemia. Low iron can also look very similar to the typical pattern of hair loss you might experience with age, so it’s always a good idea to get your iron levels checked by your doctor if you start to notice a difference in your hair. You can get iron from foods like red meat, beans, nuts, and even dried fruit. The reason you will experience hair loss if you aren’t eating enough iron is that your body won’t be able to produce the right amount of haemoglobin in your blood. This is what carries oxygen around your body, so without enough of it, the oxygen won’t be able to reach your scalp and promote healthy hair. Eventually, as your scalp won’t be getting enough oxygen, your hair will fall out and won’t be replaced as it can’t produce another hair due to the lack of iron. So, make sure that you keep your iron levels in check if you want to ensure that your hair is as healthy as it can be.
Diet is one of the biggest factors that will impact hair loss, and it’s actually very easy to see why. Your health is determined by what you eat a lot of the time, so if your diet is poor, you can’t expect to have healthy hair. You need to eat plenty of healthy foods that give you the right nutrients if you want to keep your hair production going for as long as possible. If you’re ever unsure of what you might be lacking in or are concerned about your hair loss, it’s essential that you speak with a medical professional as they’ll be able to address your issues and get you on the right track. So, if you want to keep your hair lovely and healthy, then you need to be eating foods with these vital components in them. You’ll soon see a difference once your intake increases in not just your hair, but your overall health too.