Janet Street-Porter has been slammed for admitting she has little sympathy for plus sized people experiencing difficulties while travelling.
On Tuesday’s Loose Women, the panel discussed a plus sized blogger who wrote about her bad experience travelling on an airline, in order to warn other overweight people of what to expect.
Christine Lampard, Coleen Rooney, Katie Piper and Janet, as usual had differing opinions- and level of sympathy – for the blogger.
Janet began by saying she understood there are ‘various reasons why people are overweight,’ but said ‘this country has an eating problem.’
‘I accept that for some people eating is an addiction, it’s a mental health crisis and there can be medical reasons why people are overweight.
‘But I really think if you expect airlines to make special provision for overweight people, I don’t have an awful lot of sympathy for you.’

She said ‘normal-sized’ passengers ‘weren’t getting special treatment and argued she didn’t ‘expect special treatment’ when she was travelling in a ‘tiny seat’ at six feet tall.
Janet’s comment divided opinion between viewers, with one person she was ‘sick of this.’
‘Obesity is incredibly complex, it’s not as simple as telling people to eat less. There are psychological & physical reasons, it is a form of eating disorder or/& addiction,’ they wrote.
‘For a show that barks on about being body positive they do like slagging off those that aren’t your typical size f****g 12,’ another said.
Another agreed: ‘For a show that promotes female empowerment and did a body positivity advert, they sure do like slagging off fat people. They’re obsessed.’

One viewer argued ‘if everyone was the same it would be a really boring place to live.
‘There’s always been fat, skinny, average, tall, short people and there always will be. This discussion is really quite pointless.’
Another annoyed viewer used their own experience to argue against Janet’s comments, writing: ‘How dare you think it’s ok to comment on other women’s bodies? Being fat and plus sized is NOT a bad thing.
They said they were ‘morbidly obese due to health conditions and not one nutritionist can see anything wrong with my diet or exercise.’
It’s not the first time Janet has upset viewers with her comments on overweight people: in July, she accused young people of ‘glorifying’ obesity.
‘Young women think that being larger is acceptable,’ she said live on air, before adding that they were ‘glorifying something that could be shortening their lives.’
Her comments were met with fury by ITV watchers on Twitter, with many calling the words ‘fat-shaming.’
On Tuesday, fellow panelist Katie defended the blogger against the comments, saying there was clearly ‘a lot of pain behind this story’ and overweight people can feel ‘humiliated’ by issues like this.
She added that society should ‘provide for them like we would anybody.’
Loose Women airs weekdays at 12.30pm on ITV.