After contestants on SAS: Who Dares Wins showed out their trench foot-ridden feet, those with weak stomachs may want to turn away.
Directing Staff Mark “Billy” Billingham, Jason “Foxy” Fox, Rudy Reyes, and new DS Chris Oliver are putting twenty new recruits through their paces in the harsh Vietnam jungle this season.
However, after taking off their shoes at the conclusion of a hard day on Monday, some of the difficulties of undergoing these activities in a tropical atmosphere were apparent.
Back in the barracks, several of the recruits removed their footwear, and the camera zoomed in to see that many of them were bruised and wrapped with bandages.
Billy informed his audience that it is quite challenging to care for one’s feet in the jungle.
‘The hardest thing you will have to deal with in the jungle is jungle rot,’ he said.
Then the zoomed-in shots began.

‘You’ve got to look after all the bits of your body, especially your feet as that’s the only way you are getting around,’ Billy added.
‘If they go down you are f***ed and you are no good to anyone and you will probably die. It’s that simple.’
Many viewers at home, though, apparently decided they didn’t need to see how horrible feet may appear when jungle rot, often called trench foot, sets in.
It was obvious that the fungal infections caused by the constant dampness had degraded the quality of the photographs.
‘Oh, f*** off with the crusty feet,’ one person posted on Twitter.
Their sentiment was echoed by several others.

Thung Ui, North Vietnam is the setting for this season of “hilarious horror,” in which the 20 recruits will be tested to their absolute limits.
There have been many tears in just two episodes, and one character has even gone into withdrawal following a life-threatening medical issue.
SAS: Who Dares Wins airs Mondays at 9pm on Channel 4.