Casey Barker, Saffron Barker’s brother, has spoken about the massive heart attack he experienced last month in a series of TikTok videos while he recovers.
On December 29, the 27-year-old was taken to the hospital by his fiancée, Nicole, after being reduced in tears by what he mistook for heartburn.
He’s also admitted that he can’t hold his three-month-old baby Remi because she’s ‘too heavy’ for him.
He explained: ‘Today is day 12 of my recovery process since it’s happened so today is the best I’ve felt by far. Today I’ve been taking things up and down the stairs, not anything too heavy.
‘I still can’t carry Remi, which is my baby who is three months old, she’s too heavy for me to carry at the moment because, basically the reason I can’t carry things that are heavy and have to really limit what I’m doing is because I have to keep my heart rate as low as possible.’
Casey he also admitted he doesn’t think ‘life will ever be normal again’ and that his six-eight week recovery plan will only ‘get me back to semi-normal.’
He told his hundreds of thousands of followers that he had woken up normally that day, gone to get wood for their fire at home, and was ready to assemble some furniture when he began to feel bad.
He said: ‘I went into the lounge and spoke to Nicole, I said, “I’ve got this really bad heartburn,” this was just before lunchtime, we were thinking about making lunch and I got this really bad heartburn so I was like, “I’m not going to eat at the moment, I’ve got really bad heartburn” and I never get heartburn like that.
‘Then over like 10 minutes, this heartburn started getting gradually worse and worse and worse and was eventually really bad. I was curled up on the sofa, basically hugging my chest, almost in tears, I think I was in tears actually.

‘Nicole was like, “We need to go to the hospital, you should phone an ambulance” and at first I was against the whole idea of going to the hospital, I thought it was just heartburn and it would pass.’
In the second half of his explanatory video, he claims that an ambulance would have taken two hours to arrive despite him being a “number one priority,” so Nicole took him to his local A&E department instead.
He said: ‘I walked into the doors of the A&E and it was so busy, I thought there is no way I can sit down and wait my turn, I need to be seen immediately.

‘Obviously I didn’t know I was having a heart attack, part of me thought it might have just been a really bad panic attack but I got into the A&E and spoke to the receptionist, I said, “I think I’m having a heart attack, I need to be seen,” the receptionist actually turned to me and said, “Well you’re not having a heart attack, you’re standing up, you’re fine” and I literally just dropped straight on to the desk in front of her.
‘They went and got me a wheelchair and wheeled me round to the urgent care centre bit, I got put straight onto ECGs so they could measure my heart rate and stuff like that.
‘They were checking it and they saw quite quickly that I had an irregular heartbeat which I think, at this point, meant they thought it could be a heart attack but they weren’t sure because I’d had a [chest] infection a couple of weeks before, they thought it could be something to do with that.
‘Nobody told me at this point, I was in there for quite a while, I was in there for about half an hour or so, and then they were like, “Right, actually we need to rush you straight up to a lab,” I went into a lab and they put a needle in my arm and this thing went all the way up my arm to my heart, to my arteries to see if everything was functioning correctly which it evidently wasn’t.’
Casey has promised to post a third update to his story, but he has yet to do so.