A guy with a birthmark on his face has spoken out about how he feels ‘ugly’ and like a’monster’.
Nahn’s birthmark has expanded since his birth and now has growths on one side of his face.
‘It’s dark and it’s bumpy, with a lot of pimples on it,’ he begins in a preview clip for the season finale of Dr Pimple Popper.
‘The pimples feel hard and rubbery.
‘And sometimes it will smell like dead skin or burned skin.’
He goes on: ‘When I look in the mirror, I see myself as a monster, or just an ugly guy.’
Nahn recalls being called ‘two-faced’ in school due to his birthmark, saying: ‘That’s not normal.
‘They just made fun and tried to make me feel sad about myself.
‘I dropped out of high school in senior year because I just couldn’t take anymore – too much depression and all that.’
When Nahn was 23, he underwent 12 laser treatments, one per month, with a doctor in Dallas, Texas.
Unfortunately, his ‘hope’ was dashed when the therapy caused the mark to expand and get infected with pimples.
‘It just makes me feel like I lost my hope and I can’t trust any doctor,’ he says.
The distinguishing tattoo even prevents him from mingling and meeting new people.
Nahn says: ‘It’s hard to go out socialising. I want a normal family, and I want kids but no one will look at me because of my birthmark.’
He adds: ‘I just want to be like a normal person but I don’t socialise with anyone because people can judge you by the way you look.
‘It makes me feel self-conscious, it makes me sad too.’
Despite having ‘lost hope,’ he is now getting therapy from Dr Pimple Popper for his birthmark, which may help with his melancholy.
Dr Sandra Lee, a cosmetic surgeon and dermatologist, serves patients from all across America, including someone with a “third boob” on their shoulder, a sobbing grandfather with a “plum sized nose,” and a woman who had a chunk of lead trapped in her hand for 45 years.
TLC’s reality show has previously tracked a lady with maggots in her toes and a guy with 400 tumours across his body.
Dr Pimple Popper airs on TLC in America.