Dr Pimple Popper is the woman with the golden touch when it comes to spot zapping.
And this time the specialist’s – real name Dr Sandra Lee – skills were put to the test when she was challenged with removing four ‘baby cysts’ that had been growing on Aimee’s head for a decade in this week’s episode.
The 33-year-old first noticed the bumps at high school when they ‘weren’t that big’, but the troublesome growths, which she called her ‘biggest secret’, have been swelling ever since.
To conceal them, the Californian has adopted a hair do rather like Justin Bieber’s former signature swept-back fringe, but this isn’t a fashionable nod to 2010 or to the Love Yourself singer.
Speaking about her ‘bump-mowhak’, Aimee revealed she was so scared of others seeing her abscesses her caring long-term boyfriend, Donald, closely monitors her hairline when they go out and about.
Heartbreakingly, she said her biggest dream was ‘to be completely open to her family and friends and go out without having to hide things from people.’

While she has sought medical treatment before, appointments have returned no results and been disheartening, leading her to seek help in a last-ditch attempt from Dr Sandra.
After examining the bumps, the dermatologist diagnosed Aimee with having pilar cysts, rare benign cysts that grow from hair follicles.
But the 51-year-old drew an even more surprising conclusion – that the boils bore an uncanny resemblance to, er, Donald.
The doctor joked that owing to the ‘kinky hairs’ growing from the cysts, they looked just like the poor bloke’s beard, but fortunately he took it well and chuckled at the observation.

Boyfriend comparisons (nearly) out the way, Dr Sandra began to tackle the six-year-old spot at the front of Aimee’s forehead in a ‘life-changing’ procedure.
Next up was ‘Donald Jr, the big one’, which required some serious squeezing action from the surgeon and produced a steady stream of pus.
However, the fourth and final growth was not exactly what it seemed, with the TV star announcing she was entering Aimee’s ‘pandora’s box’ because it was hiding a tiny ‘litter’ of cysts inside.

Once all the surgery was complete, however, Aimee looked delighted with her new-look scalp, marvelling at how ‘smooth’ it is.
Crying tears of joy, she said she felt finally able to do ‘anything now’ and was completely ‘worry-free.’
Watch the full episode on TLC on Thursday August, 11 at 10pm and previous episodes on discovery+.