Indian Matchmaking host Sima Taparia doesn’t believe the Netflix series lives up to the reality of the system, as she returns to matchmake clients around the world for series two.
‘Aunty Sima from Mumbai’ is back and this time around, she’s reuniting with a few old faces like Pradhyuman Maloo and Nadia Jagessar as well as new ones as she matches biodatas and sets up some dates.
Along the way, there’s dating fails, meeting-the-families on a first date, and wish-lists that cover everything under the sun from Taco Bell lovers to man-buns.
Whilst the first series of Indian Matchmaking got quite the reception from viewers, it didn’t go unnoticed that none of the contestants were actually successfully married by the end.
In fact, as Pradhyuman returns for series two and marries a woman Sima didn’t introduce him too, Nadia continues on her matchmaking journey while Aparna Shewakramani is going down an entirely different route to find love.

But, despite the lack of matchmaking success, Sima is still excited for the new series to launch, and doesn’t think that the unsuccessful rate from series one diminishes her industry.
Speaking exclusively to, Sima said: ‘In five months [of filming] we cannot expect somebody to get married.’
She shared that the Netflix series ‘will just show the process of Indian matchmaking to the world,’ adding that ‘there was no promise that this should happen’ in the time frame set.

She continued: ‘In reality, nothing happens so fast, and only in the duration of five months the [filming] was complete.
‘So how can anybody expect that they’ll get matched together and married in five months.

‘Netflix just showed the process of Indian matchmaking to the world.’
In real life, on the other hand, Sima confirmed that matchmaking can be a pretty lengthy process.
‘It’s all destiny,’ she told us. ‘It can happen in ten days, or it can happen in one year.’
‘And for some clients that is two or three years, but they say that the stars are aligned.’
Indian Matchmaking series two is now available to watch on Netflix.