A pair of alpacas startled Katie Piper on Loose Women, almost causing chaos.
The 39-year-old activist was hosting an edition of the ITV daytime series with Christine Lampard, 43, on Wednesday when they were joined by some furry companions.
Two of the South American beasts were brought into the studio by Dame Kelly Holmes, 52, who lives in the midst of the Kent countryside with her pet alpacas.
The panellists chatted with Eduardo and Elite’s owners on the benefits of having animals to boost mental health, with Christmas revealing that bonding with alpacas can aid people with dementia.
While the lovely critters were clearly well-behaved as they made their television debut, snuggling up to one another, Katie was a little nervous.
As they swarmed around Eduardo and Elite, Katie abruptly turned back and attempted a swift departure – but tripped.

She admitted she wanted to flee because she thought one of the alpacas was ‘trying to kick her,’ but she was informed that wasn’t the case and she was totally secure.
Kelly has already spoken about the benefits of owning alpacas, and her pets are routinely featured on her Instagram page, much to the delight of her followers.
She told The Guardian: ‘I’ve had them for 11 years now. I got them to cut the grass and they’re brilliant mowers.

‘Then lockdown came and so many people were so stressed and I was videoing the alpacas because they’re just strange animals really and I thought: “If this is making people smile, brilliant.”’
Elite and Eduardo weren’t the only animals to make an appearance on daytime television on Tuesday, with the ‘UK’s naughtiest duck’ making an appearance on This Morning.
Mischievous Ham, a four-year-old Indian Runner Duck, even drank from host Holly Willoughby‘s cup of tea while nearly running amok in the studio.
Loose Women airs weekdays from 12.30pm on ITV.