Richard Madeley furiously clashed with Education Secretary James Cleverly over why the Government is not doing more now to help people with the rising energy costs on Wednesday’s Good Morning Britain.
The Government has been urged to take drastic action after it was forecasted that average household energy bills are expected to hit £4,266 from January.
From October this year, the price cap – based on the wholesale cost of energy – is now expected to be £3,582 – compared to £1,971 today.
Mr Cleverly was immediately grilled on the support package by Richard’s co-star Charlotte Hawkins, who pointed out that the help on offer is no longer sufficient as it does not take into consideration the latest forecasts.
‘That help that you’ve promised is simply not enough, is it?’ Charlotte asked.
‘We’ve already put a support package in place,’ Mr Cleverly said. ‘And Liz [Truss] has said she will bring forward an emergency budget to address whatever else.’

However, Richard wasn’t impressed and was heard shouting that the politician hadn’t answered the question.
‘I’m saying that in response to those changing figures, Liz Truss is committed to moving forward an emergency budget,’ Mr Cleverly doubled down, with Richard exclaiming that this wasn’t taking place until September.
‘You’re sliding off the point!’ he criticised, with the MP hitting back: ‘I’m not sliding off the point, I’m not able to get to the point, Richard, because you keep interrupting.’
‘Oh, that’s not fair,’ Richard responded.
‘No, we can rewatch the tape and we can see which of us has done the most talking in this interview,’ Mr Cleverly snapped.
But Richard wasn’t giving up the fight. ‘I have to hold you to an answer, and if you’re not answering the question, you will be interrupted,’ he slammed.
‘I’m sorry if that’s too hard for you, but that’s how it works, and I will repeat the point. Everything you have said in this interview – whether it’s been in a competed sentence or an interrupted one – you made it quite clear nothing is going to happen until the autumn.
‘The central point of this interview is to put it to you that we need action now and I haven’t heard you say anything at all other than “oh well, we’ll get to that in the autumn when we have a winner”.
‘You are simply not answering that point, so we do have to interrupt. Sorry.’
Many viewers applauded Richard for holding Mr Cleverly to account.
‘Here we go again, yet another politician that cannot give direct answers,’ one wrote. ‘Well done Richard you are a credit to GMB.’
‘My goodness I rarely support #RichardMedley on @gmb but [emojis of clapping hands] for his interview with Cleverly,’ another applauded.
Never a dull morning on GMB!
Good Morning Britain airs weekdays at 6am on ITV.