Tattoos are a commitment – and they might not suit the indecisive or easily pained among us.
Sometimes, we also need to ‘road test’ something before committing.
This is where temporary tattoos come in.
We know you’re probably thinking of the sticky ones you’d get as a kid at parties that would wear down after a day – but newer versions are much cooler and longer-lasting.
First, they apply easily. All you do is lay them against the skin for the required amount of time, avoid water for several hours, then you’re done.
What’s left is a temporary tattoo – and a convincing one at that – that’ll last for around two weeks.

This means you can get a feel for sizing, placement and overall look before going for a permanent tattoo – or simply try one on for size as a fashion statement.
One place to go for a vast range of designs is Inkbox, where you can shop by size and design category.

To maximise the wear-time, keep skin moisturised, avoid exfoliating, and wear loose clothing the first night you apply the tattoo.
The first week the tattoo will look crisp, and the second week more faded.
Inkbox doesn’t use henna or jagua, instead they use a plant-based formula that sets in an hour.
Try an Inkbox tattoo here.