Even if you can currently afford your payments but you’re worried you might not be able to cope with a rise in monthly mortgage costs, get in touch with your lender now.
This is easier said than done because everyone is trying to contact their lenders and some customers are reporting being left on hold for two hours or more. If you’re struggling to get through, contact your mortgage broker if you have one and if you don’t, find one.
They will help you understand your options and could secure a better deal for you.
Craig Fish, managing director at mortgage advisers Lodestone, says: ‘If you need to remortgage but find that you are failing the credit score, or your circumstances have got worse, don’t bury your head in the sand. It’s the worst thing you can do.
‘No matter how bad you think your circumstances are there are generally always options available to you. The earlier you address the situation the easier it is to put a plan in place.’
If you have to stay with your existing lender but can’t afford a higher payment, you can talk to your lender and they are very likely to help find a way to help you.
Here’s what you can do monthly payments down:
- Extend your term when you remortgage. A £190,000 mortgage on a two-year fix at six per cent costs £1,224 a month over a 25-year term.
- If you extend to 35 years, monthly repayments are £1,083. You can always shorten the term at a later date to save extra interest.
- Agree a payment holiday with your lender. This gives you three months off having to pay the mortgage which could really help if you are going to be short of cash, but only for a short time. Bear in mind that taking a payment holiday officially means you are in arrears and you will pay more interest on your loan because you will take longer to pay it off in full.
- Remortgage onto an interest-only deal for a while. Monthly payments on the £190,000 mortgage over 25 years on a repayment deal are £1,224. On an interest-only deal, you’ll pay £950 a month.
- Agree to pay part of your mortgage as interest-only and part as repayment. This will bring monthly payments down.
- Agree with your lender that you’ll keep paying each month, but not the full amount. If you are paying your existing mortgage of £829pcm and can’t afford an extra £395 each month ask your lender if they will let you keep paying the £829 for the moment.
If my lender won’t help me, what are my options?
All lenders have been told explicitly by the regulator that they must help you, so do not worry unduly.
However, should you come up against this problem, there are lenders which specialise in helping borrowers in difficult situations.
‘A mortgage broker can often find a solution, even if your situation has deteriorated since you originally applied for your mortgage,’ says financial adviser Scott Taylor-Barr.