A new TikTok beauty standard has been released, this time for pregnant ladies.
Yup. Mothers do not have to be left out of the continual appearance of New Things to Hate About OurselvesTM on social media.
Hip dips, buccal fat, and now ‘pregnancy nose’ have all entered the public after a number of ladies went popular after releasing before and after footage of their noses during pregnancy.
The women in the films express surprise (and even disgust) at how big their noses have gotten.
The truth is that your nose may alter throughout pregnancy. But there is nothing to be concerned about.
According to Dr. Ashfaq Khan, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Harley Street Gynaecology, pregnant nose is caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy.
‘During the latter stages of pregnancy, some women do report that their noses seem larger, with congestion becoming a problem,’ he says.
‘This is most likely a symptom of pregnancy rhinitis or inflammation of the mucus membranes in the nose.’
The increased fluid in your body during pregnancy stresses the lymphatic system, he continues.
‘This, in conjunction with increased blood supply means that mucus membranes within the body can experience increased pressure, with the nose being an area sometimes affected.’
Pregnancy nose is rarely visible – you may only have some sniffles rather than a major change in appearance – and not every woman is impacted.
We understand what you’re thinking, but pregnancy nose is unavoidable, so ignore any TikTok videos that claim to stop the change in its tracks.
There isn’t much you can do but wait, but Ashfaq tells us that the shape and size of your nose will return to normal in the days and weeks after your delivery.
Pregnancy nose isn’t dangerous in and of itself, but Ashfaq cautions that if it’s accompanied by swelling elsewhere, nose bleeds, headaches, and impaired vision, these might be indicators of preeclampsia and medical assistance should be sought immediately.
Finally, pregnant nose should not be a source of embarrassment.
Whether it’s hair loss or weight gain, we need to stop talking badly about the extremely normal and natural bodily changes that women go through after they give birth.
Pregnant women already have a lot on their plates.