What a time to be alive, what a time to be a banker.
With caps flying into the air and bonuses bouncing into the stratosphere, the second series of Industry feels weirdly prescient to the point where you wouldn’t be surprised if the writers were running a hedge fund on the side.
We weren’t five minutes into the return of this hardnosed financial drama before the phrase trickle-down economics became a vivid double entendre. (A LOT of shagging goes on in Industry.)
But you get the point: timing is all and Industry’s insider deal on thrusting young types and their fiscal ambitions feels right on the money.

When we first met Harper, Yasmin, and Rob, the hub around whom Industry revolves, they were wide-eyed and wet behind the ears, not exactly blind to the bearpit they were entering as young money go-getters, but at least naively bullish about how they were going to get a leg up (or over) the career ladder.
Now though, in a post-pandemic world, the scales have fallen from their eyes. Harper is barely able to function outside of the hotel she’s been remotely working from, Yasmin is as cold and arrogant as the bosses she once despised, cock-of-the-walk Rob is operating at half-mast at best. They are surviving, but barely.
Which, curiously, makes them seem much more human than they were first time round. You flinch when an angry investor snaps at Rob, ‘Why don’t you call me when you know who you are and who you’re talking to’ (a line I’ll be using on my next cold caller), you wince when Harper gets told she’s become invisible. Against the odds, you care about them.
So while Industry overflows with toxic relationships and as an advert for a career in finance it’s as inviting as a bath in cold sick, somehow I’m invested.
Industry is showing weekly on BBC1 starting tonight at 10.40pm