***Warning: Contains spoilers for Rick & Morty season 5***
Rick & Morty will officially be back for season 6 on September 4 – and a brand new trailer has fans just as excited as always.
The Adult Swim cartoon focuses on time-travelling, dimension-hopping scientist, Rick (Justin Roiland), his grandson, Morty (also Justin Roiland), and the rest of their family.
The series has accrued a fiercely dedicated fanbase over the years, so any piece of new footage or trailer is bound to get viewers very excited.
And the trailer for the upcoming season six is no different, with fans already diving right in to the first serious look at the new season.
How will the season 5 finale affect the new episodes?

One fan has posted on social media that the trailer is formed of clips from the same group of ‘3-4 episodes’, meaning that ‘plenty of surprises’ are still in store.
Season five finished in September 2021, with the Sanchez-Smith family in a perilous position – then again, when are they not?
An alternate, evil version of Morty, who has become President of the Citadel (if you don’t already know, just don’t ask), finished the season finale in total control.
How will that affect Rick & Morty going forward? Well, it appears they’re still up to their usual tricks of visiting various planets and dimensions and causing untold chaos.
But with fans speculating that there are as many as 11 episodes due for season six, there’s still so much to see – how is Rick going to save the world from Evil Morty?
Will Morty become a Jerry?

Some fans have speculated for years that Morty will slowly become yet another Jerry as he grows up, and the new trailer has sent that theory into overdrive.
Jerry (Chris Parnell) is seen wearing Morty’s classic combo of a yellow shirt with blue trousers – although they don’t seem to fit him quite as well.
‘This hit right in the conspiracy theories’, one fan posted in response to the brief shot.
In response to fans who shot the theory down, there was one response that definitely couldn’t be argued with.
‘Season five has an entire episode about a giant Morty and Summer’s incestuous baby. Are you really surprised by [the Morty becomes Jerry] theory?’
Season 6 will be as hilarious as ever

Even as some fans have questioned the direction of the show in its more recent seasons, the quality of jokes has never been in doubt.
If the reaction on social media is anything to go by, the fans have already decided on their favourite gag from the new season.
As Summer (Spencer Gammer) and Rick hold off a group of ‘alien terrorists’, Summer panics and tells Rick that she doesn’t know how to fight them.
Rick instructs Summer to ‘do a Die Hard’, a movie that Summer admits she never saw. Cue classic Rick: ‘Neither did the guy in Die Hard, so you’re doing great.’
Fans were also excited to see Gene, the Sanchez-Smith family’s neighbour, who made brief appearances in season three and season five.
He last appeared in the ninth episode of season five – one of four times he showed up – but fans have demanded more: ‘I want a Gene sideplot’.
Fans are hoping for better consistency

Rick & Morty remains incredibly popular but a contingent of its fanbase have expressed concerns about the show’s more recent priorities.
When one fan said they were hoping for a good season, another user responded by saying: ‘Or at least a more consistent one’.
The fourth episode of season five, Rickdependence Spray, has a fan rating of 5.7 on IMDb – the lowest of the entire show.
Creator Justin Roiland has admitted recently that season five was ‘tough’, but that season six would be ‘f***ing amazing’ to make up for it.
With the new season due, one viewer said they were encouraged by it coming across as ‘a lot more grounded’: ‘Back to season one type adventures with the family, I like it’.
One fan did have their wish confirmed
Rick and Morty is available to stream now.