The first trailer for Nicolas Cage’s upcoming film Renfield has been out, and he looks truly ghoulish as Dracula.
Nicholas Hoult plays as Renfield, the tortured aide to history’s most egotistical employer, Dracula, in this modern horror tale of Dracula’s loyal worker (Cage).
Renfield is obliged to procure his master’s prey and perform his every bidding, no matter how debased, but after generations of servitude, he has finally reached his limit.
Renfield begins to figure out how to break his codependency, desperate to explore whether there is a life outside the shadow of The Prince of Darkness.
Renfield bursts into a gym, surprising a group of individuals enjoying a training session and declaring, ‘I need to get out of a toxic relationship,’ in the two-minute video.
After grabbing a chair and settling in, the none-the-wiser therapist leading the pack asks: ‘Why don’t you start by telling us what brought you here?’
‘My boss is different,’ Renfield offers up, while we see him dragging a corpse through an eerie-looking lair, complete with skulls and dusty lamps.

Disrupting his thoughts, a clueless participant comments: ‘You can’t get him out of your head’, with Renfield agreeing: ‘No.’
‘You feel like he can annihilate you with the flick of his fingers,’ says a second member of the group, as we watch Renfield dashing through a room at the speed of light at the command of his master.
A church member is shown breathing a mystery cloud before entirely exploding in a horrific scenario, while viewers are tempted with the first look at Nicolas, 58, as Dracula – with a terrifying close-up of his teeth.
Next up, looking distressed, sat in a bar, Renfield sighs as he sees ‘normal people’ enjoying socialising with pals over a beer, while Dracula commands him he ‘wants a bus load of cheerleaders.’
‘I just want a normal life again,’ he laments.
However, his nefarious plans are thwarted when a band of criminals dressed in hoodies and animal masks storms into the bar and begins killing patrons.
Renfield scoffs a spider that appears to grant him magical powers as he wipes the floor with the masked gunmen, sensing this could be the moment.
‘You saved my life,’ officer Rebecca Quincy (Awkwafina) says,’ Did I watch you cut a guy’s arm off with a decorative serving platter?’
‘It’s all in the wrist,’ he says, without a hint of irony.
Later back in the flat, Renfield explains his unusual relationship with his boss, with Rebecca remarking: ‘You bring him people to eat?!’

Back at the therapy session, Renfield’s asked by the exuberant therapist what if he weren’t to cater to all of his boss’ needs, to which a delighted Renfield, joining the dots, replies: ‘He won’t grow to full power.’
But just at that moment, to the sound of Renfield’s wailings and ‘Nooos’, Dracula, sporting a top hat, strolls in, announcing that he’s known as the ‘dark one.’
Flying above the group, who are left speechless, he says slowly: ‘I am Dracula’ with the therapist accurately remarking: ‘We’re dealing with a little more than narcissism here.’
‘Now let’s eat!’ the trailer ends, zooming in on Dracula taking a bite from the camera.
Renfield is set to be released in cinemas on April 14.