Lucy DeCinque of Extreme Sisters was left asking her dentist to pull her wisdom tooth after her twin sister Anna was forced to have an extraction owing to illness.
However, when Anna had her molar out, the missing teeth meant they were no longer perfectly identical, which upset Lucy.
‘If Anna takes out the tooth, I might have to take out my tooth here, a healthy molar,’ Lucy told her dentist.
He wasn’t having any of it, telling the camera that yanking out a good tooth for no reason was unethical.
‘A tooth for a tooth,’ the twins later went on to say.
‘That’s all we want, experiencing it together,’ the pair added, explaining to their boyfriend Ben Byrne why Lucy would be having her wisdom teeth removed, when it was Anna who had the infection.

‘If Lucy’s teeth are all healthy, no dentist is going to agree to pull out her teeth just so she can be identical to Anna, but it’s not realistic for Anna to live in pain, so they may be forced to compromise for once,’ Ben told the camera.
However, Anna and Lucy did not give up.
This happens after Anna sobbed when she realised she would have to get a tooth out and risk being mistaken for Lucy.
She said in a confessional: ‘Our main fear is what if our mouths are different and we’re not the same.’
She adds, tearfully, that she now understands she’ll have to have her teeth out owing to the agony, but that this will mean the twins are no longer precisely identical.
‘I want to take it out, but I won’t without my sister.’
Cutting to the dentist’s point of view, he adds: ‘They’re quite emotional and particularly when they have an infection, pain and other things.
‘Once you spend time with them, and reassure them for a while, they usually comfort each other and that settles things down.’
Extreme Sisters airs on TLC in America on Mondays.